#26 Thomas Hall
May 24, 1895 – November 28, 1918
This is the grave of Thomas Hall, a British emigrant who served under General Pershing during the Mexican border conflicts of 1915.
Despite an injured leg, he joined the Canadian Expeditionary Rank in World War I and is buried under the maple leaf after dying of “Spanish influenza.” (NOTE: Although this pandemic has been often referred to as the Spanish Influenza, it actually originated in Kansas.)
Alvina Nussbaum
August 23, 1860 – Nov. 6, 1918
In front of the Hall grave, is that of Alvina Nussbaum who also died during the great Influenza Epidemic. She & her husband worked on the farm next to Jack London, and she cooked for the workers on Jack London’s ranch when the Londons were off traveling. The redwood tombstone was carved by her husband in 1918.
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